Best Management Practices on Construction Sites

Just because a BMP is installed, doesn’t mean that it is working properly. Each BMP has to be installed properly and regularly maintained to function as it is intended. Below, you will find a “bad” and “good” representation of common construction Best Management Practices. Please contact our office for questions or assistance with your BMP’s.

Vegetative Buffers

  • Protect and install vegetative buffers along waterbodies to slow and filter stormwater runoff.
  • Maintain buffers by mowing or replanting periodically to ensure their effectiveness.
Bad Good

Construction Entrances

  • Remove mud and dirt from the tires of construction vehicles before they enter a paved roadway.
  • Properly size entrance BMP’s for all anticipated vehicles.
  • Make sure that the construction entrance does not become buried in soil.
Bad Good

Construction Phasing

  • Sequence construction activities so that the soil is not exposed for long periods of time.
  • Schedule or limit grading to small areas.
  • Install key sediment control practices before site grading begins.
  • Schedule site stabilization activities, such as landscaping, to be completed immediately after the land has been graded to its final contour.
Bad Good

Dirt Stockpiles

  • Cover or seed all dirt stockpiles.
Bad Good

Protect Natural Features

  • Minimize clearing.
  • Minimize amount of exposed soil.
  • Identify and protect areas where existing vegetation, such as trees will not be disturbed by construction activity.
  • Protect streams, stream buffers, wild woodlands, wetlands, or other sensitive areas from any disturbance or construction activity by fencing or otherwise clearly marking these areas.
Bad Good

Silt Fencing

  • Inspect and maintain silt fences after each rainstorm.
  • Make sure the bottom of the silt fence is buried in the ground.
  • Securely attach the material to the stakes.
  • Don’t place silt fences in the middle of a waterway or use them as a check dam.
  • Make sure storm water is not flowing around the silt fence.
Bad Good

Site Stabilization

  • Vegetate, mulch, or otherwise stabilize all exposed areas as soon as land alterations have been completed.
Bad Good


  • Rough grade or terrace slopes.
  • Break up long slopes with sediment barriers, or under drain, or divert stormwater away from slopes.
Bad Good

Storm Drain Inlet Protection

  • Use rock or other appropriate materials to cover the storm drain inlet to filter out trash and debris.
  • Make sure the rock size is appropriate (usually 1 to 2 inches in diameter).
  • If you use inlet filters, maintain them regularly.
Bad Good